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Hansong Neotech, contract deal with Enertech

Shinhwa IT, a secondary battery subsidiary of Hansong Neotech, has successfully signed a long-term supply contract for high-performance secondary battery materials with a global electric vehicle battery manufacturer.

Shinhwa IT has recently signed strategic MOUs with supply negotiations with US 'Solid Energy System', 'Enovix', and 'Zhongxin Guan Menggu (MGL)' of China.

Shinhwa IT announced on the 20th that it has signed a long-term supply contract with Enertech International (Enertech), a global electric vehicle battery manufacturer, to supply an initial supply worth 6.2 billion won. This contract will be supplied as a customized mass production model through Spec-in. The contract period is 3 years.

 Enertech, established in 2001, will commercialize 80% nickel NCM batteries and supply them to American automakers' delivery vans. Enertech recently agreed to supply batteries for 100,000 electric vehicles to Avotor, Russia's largest automaker, and is also pursuing the construction of an additional plant in Russia due to an increase in new orders.

Last year, Enertech was acquired by RENERA LLC, a subsidiary of Russia's state-owned company Rosatom, the world's No. Enertech's Russian plant is adjacent to Europe, so it plans to build a battery supply chain to strengthen its penetration into the global electric vehicle market.

Shinhwa IT recently decided to expand secondary battery material manufacturing plants and production facilities in preparation for an increase in orders from a number of global customers, and aims to complete it by the third quarter of this year. After completion, Shinhwa IT's production capacity for high-performance lead tabs will be expanded five times, enabling it to respond to the high-spec battery market where demand is rapidly increasing.

An official from Hansong Neotech said, “Shinhwa IT is accelerating the expansion of the secondary battery material business by signing strategic alliances with global next-generation battery companies and negotiating supply agreements.” “Through this long-term supply contract with Enertech, Russia It is expected to increase the supply volume in the future as it will prepare a foothold to enter the European and European markets.”

He continued, “In addition, we are discussing technology development with global all-solid-state battery companies, and the demand for high-performance and high-capacity lead taps is expected to surge due to the increase in battery capacity and performance improvement. And we are responding quickly, such as by expanding production facilities.”



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우리는 에너테크인터내셔널의 일원으로 긍지와 자부심을 갖고, 직무수행 및 일상생활에 비윤리적 행위를 근절한다.

우리는 고객만족과 청렴을 최우선으로 여기며, 고객의 의견을 존중하고, 최고의 서비스를 제공한다.

우리는 협력사를 비롯한 모든 이해관계자와 동등한 관계를 유지하고, 투명하고 공정한 거래를 통해 상호 협력관계를 구축한다.

우리는 회사의 자산과 정보를 보호하고, 업무와 관련하여 개인의 이익을 도모하지 않는다.

우리는 법, 질서, 규정을 준수하고 절차를 지키며, 불합리한 관행이나 온정주의에서 벗어나 기본과 원칙에 입각한 합리적인 의사결정에 앞장선다.

우리는 임직원 개개인의 인격을 존중하고 차별대우를 하지 않으며, 합리적인 제도를 바탕으로 업적과 능력에 따라 공정하게 평가하고, 지속적인 자기계발과 학습으로 개인과 회사의 발전을 도모한다.

우리는 사회공동체의 일부분으로써 지역사회 봉사활동에 적극 참여하고, 국가와 사회 발전에 기여한다.



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