About About ENERTECH


ENERTECH International Inc. has leveraged its early expertise in producing magnetic videotape and re-writable compact disks into a successful business coating electrodes for lithium-ion batteries. Our experience coating Electrodes with Nano-Materials, EnerTech International allows us to improve the performance and quality of Large format batteries that are in demand with emerging market applications such as Electric Vehicle, HEV and UPS Telecommunication.

ENERTECH International Inc. now proudly presents Large format Batteries that we have developed in Korea. Using our state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities and know-how with Lithium-Ion Batteries, EnerTech International Inc. is unveiling new types of Large format Batteries.


ENERTECH International Inc. has leveraged its early expertise in producing magnetic videotape and re-writable compact disks into a successful business coating electrodes for lithium-ion batteries. Our experience coating Electrodes with Nano-Materials, EnerTech International allows us to improve the performance and quality of Large format batteries that are in demand with emerging market applications such as Electric Vehicle, HEV and UPS Telecommunication.

ENERTECH International Inc. now proudly presents Large format Batteries that we have developed in Korea. Using our state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities and know-how with Lithium-Ion Batteries, EnerTech International Inc. is unveiling new types of Large format Batteries.


Our philosophy

CEO image

Аt ENERTECH Inc., We truly believe that safety, efficiency, and quality are the cornerstones of Battery business.

The philosophy of our company is very simple – Investing in Research and Development, our talented team, and customized solutions for customers’ needs.

ENERTECH Inc., are confident in partnering with our customers to create an incredible marketing achievement. Our соmpany focuses on future and new technologies. We are continuously learning, sharing our experience, and best practices with industry leaders. Our main goal is to bring Power and Green Energy to everyone’s life.

chief executive officer

Our advantages

  • 대량생산 프로젝트

    Mass Production Project

    EnerTech successfully finalized projects with Koreans, Europeans, Canadian companies. We have huge worldwide working experience with EV/PHEV vehicles, Storage systems, UPS, Military and Medical projects.

  • 자체 생산


    EnerTech is the company of full cycle production, starting from Research till Finish Goods. We have own cell production base, own patented know how. But we are flexible for customer’s needs.

  • 전문인력


    EnerTech Inc. is proud with our team and each team member. Our employee have best qualification, deep knowledge and inspiration to make world better and cleaner with our technology.

  • 신기술 선도


    Our capabilities for the Production of Lithium Ion Cells include. Our capabilities for the Production of Lithium Ion Cells include.



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사회와 고객으로부터 신뢰 받는 기업, 임직원에게는 일하고 싶은 직장이 되기 위해서 모든 임직원은 다음의 윤리경영 행동준칙을 준수한다.

우리는 에너테크인터내셔널의 일원으로 긍지와 자부심을 갖고, 직무수행 및 일상생활에 비윤리적 행위를 근절한다.

우리는 고객만족과 청렴을 최우선으로 여기며, 고객의 의견을 존중하고, 최고의 서비스를 제공한다.

우리는 협력사를 비롯한 모든 이해관계자와 동등한 관계를 유지하고, 투명하고 공정한 거래를 통해 상호 협력관계를 구축한다.

우리는 회사의 자산과 정보를 보호하고, 업무와 관련하여 개인의 이익을 도모하지 않는다.

우리는 법, 질서, 규정을 준수하고 절차를 지키며, 불합리한 관행이나 온정주의에서 벗어나 기본과 원칙에 입각한 합리적인 의사결정에 앞장선다.

우리는 임직원 개개인의 인격을 존중하고 차별대우를 하지 않으며, 합리적인 제도를 바탕으로 업적과 능력에 따라 공정하게 평가하고, 지속적인 자기계발과 학습으로 개인과 회사의 발전을 도모한다.

우리는 사회공동체의 일부분으로써 지역사회 봉사활동에 적극 참여하고, 국가와 사회 발전에 기여한다.



“To contribute the rich life of mankind and preservation of the environments through corporate activities pursuing customers satisfaction and respecting human and nature.”

To complete this policy,

ETI constructs the differentiated systems of design, manufacturing, quality and service by grasping the needs of customers through visit and securing the quality meeting customers’s potential requirements.

ETI complies with the requirements and rules for the corporate social value and the environmental preservation, understands the severe environmental effects and keeps improving the environmental performance.

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